Wargraves in Vlieland

The General Cemetery in the Dutch island of Vlieland has about 50 wargraves from the Second World War, 38 of which are named; another 9 are not identified. This site will show photographs of the named wargraves, with information as collated from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

The island of Vlieland lies off the northwestern coast of Holland and can be reached by ferry from the mainland port of Harlingen. This lies 16 miles west of Leeuwarden and 70 miles north of Amsterdam. There is a regular service by buses and trains. The ferry only carries vehicles with a permit (link in Dutch).

The cemetery lies to the right (east) of the church, off the main village street (Dorpsstraat), behind the library and the Noordwester cultural centre, as shown on the below Google Streetview image.